Buddhas Guide to Summer B-B-Q Grillin
Visit : tips-stayingcool.blogspot.com
Ok, yes I eat meat.....and I sometimes feel less then good about it. Summer is almost upon us now here in the Northern Hemisphere and outdoor BBQ grillin’ season has arrived. This used to be one of my more favorite activities during the summer and the more meat I could fit on the grill the more serotonin my brain seemed to dump. It is almost primordial in its manly feeling and honestly, a rack of smoked ribs fired over a charcoal grill with sweet corn, baked beans and homemade buttermilk biscuits is pretty close to heaven on Earth if you ask me. (Yes, I am a redneck, I admit it…sans the mullet)I’ve been rethinking this whole eating meat thing lately, but I feel it’s not something I should give up just because I think it’s the Buddhist thing or politically correct thing to
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